| 4 years ago

July 2020 President's Report - Lessons From Arbitration 2020

The result was what we’ve been warning members about since this mess started: the conditions making your job worse will continue to fester. Yes, our pay was increased to barely match inflation, but in the context of the whole contract, this amounts to little more than a band-aid being applied to a severed artery -- it’ll take slightly longer, but we’re still bleeding out.

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| 4 years ago

June Is Pride Month - 50 Years After the Stonewall Uprising

Our Local is inspired by the bravery of Shades of Colour (YEG) to not let the legacy of Pride be co-opted by one of the institutions that helped necessitate the need for Pride to exist in the first place, and we wholeheartedly support their ongoing efforts to provide a sense of safety and belonging for many in the LGBTQ+ community. Black & Indigenous Trans Lives Matter!

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| 4 years ago

Solidarity Against State Racism & Violence

The labour movement knows well the oppression that government and police are willing to inflict on those demanding justice. Not long ago, our own union was painfully reminded that constitutional rights only exist as long as they don’t inconvenience the powerful. If we had dared to defy this authority, police boots and fines would be there to remind us of our ‘place’ in the world.

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| 4 years ago

June 2020 President's Report - Fighting Forward

The year ahead will provide many challenges. After rejecting every one of our proposals throughout negotiation, our contract arbitration will not likely meaningfully address our demands. As soon as that resolves, it will not be long before we start developing demands for our next round of negotiations. The reality of this process is that our union only has as much leverage as our membership is ...

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| 4 years ago

June 2020 Local Newsletter

We have staffing issues in the plant, constant bullying and harassment throughout our workfloors, wage stagnation, unequal pay for the RSMCs, and an astronomical injury rate among letter carriers. And instead of dealing with any of these things... CPC puts up a banner. I don’t want your praise. I want a raise. I don’t need a cape. I need a contract!

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| 4 years ago

Anti-Black Police Violence Harms All Of Us And Must Be Stopped

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers is saddened and outraged by the recent violent attacks against Black individuals regionally, nationally and internationally. We are also deeply concerned that last week Regis Korchinski-Paquet, a Black-Indigenous woman, fell more than 20 floors to her death while members of the Toronto police force were present.

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| 4 years ago

State of the union on May Day 2020

May Day is our annual reminder that without our labour the world stands still: no wheel turns, no one is housed, no one is fed, and even the most powerful corporations and governments are paralyzed. Our task as a union at the forefront of the struggle for workers’ empowerment has always been in raising the class consciousness of workers so that we may all understand our collective power...

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| 4 years ago

Mourn the Dead - Fight for the Living

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are unable to gather in person today to mourn the unnecessary deaths of 165 Albertans who have lost their lives at work. Unfortunately we will never know the true toll on working families in Alberta but today we do our best to honour them all.

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