| 3 years ago

The Year of the Wildcat

The Oct 26 province-wide wildcat by AUPE health workers will be the first of many serious actions against the Kenney government by labour over the next year. To reiterate the statement I made earlier this week: AUPE’s example was not only heroic but deeply instructive of how the labour movement needs to prepare itself if it is truly committed to defeating governments attacking workers.

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| 3 years ago

Rally To Support AUPE Health Care Workers - Nov 5

Join us Thursday morning, Nov 5, at 6:15am to show support for AUPE workers that dared stand up to the Kenney government. They risked severe fines and discipline to show us how labour will need to fight to win; the least we could do is get up a bit earlier to let them know they are not alone in this struggle. An injury to one is an injury to all!

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (20/10/29)

Nov GMM Registration - EMPP Consult Updates - AUPE Wildcat Strike - Anatomy Of A Strike (Podcast) - RSMC Documentary - Stand Up To Kenney Campaign

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (20/10/21)

New Local Newsletter - Green New Deal - Winter Footwear - Fighting To Win

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| 3 years ago

CUPW 730 Nov 7, 2020 GMM (Online)

As per direction given by our National executive, locals will be allowed to hold GMMs via video conference during the pandemic with the only restrictions being that local quorum be reached and all participants be clearly documented. The circumstances of this meeting are far from ideal; we ask for your understanding and support in trying our best to keep our local functioning to help our members.

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (20/10/14)

EMPP Annual Shift Bid - Course Application Deadline - Education Committee Meeting - Healthcare Podcast

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| 3 years ago

Why A Green New Deal Matters To Postal Workers

AUPE hosted a webinar introducing the Green New Deal and how to win workers over to this growing movement for a sustainable economy. Our local President, Roland Schmidt, was invited to present on CUPW's Delivering Community Power, how it ties into the GND, and how building worklfoor power is the most direct way to confront regressive legislation, from the picket line.

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| 3 years ago

Local Dispatch (20/10/07)

Edmonton C19 Cases - Union Education Opportunities - President's Report - Community Vs. UCP

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